Monday, October 10, 2005

Intermingling of the sexes II - Ummati blog

Post number 2 - from


Intermingling of the sexes II

Assalamualaykum readers.

In this post I will be continuing with my previous topic regarding the intermingling of non-mehram men and women that takes place in person as well as on the internet.

I apologise for the lack of clarity in my words. I was specifically targetting the 'chatting' that is taking place in todays age that has become the norm. We no longer consider it to be an evil but instead it seems to be encouraged.

However, there is a type of communication in Islam that is permitted. This is the contact between a non-mehram man and woman who communicate for the sake of Islam. But please note only in extreme cases of necessity. Those whose sole purpose is to gain knowledge for the betterment of their own imaan, as well as the entire ummah.
Truly, this can be seen taking place at the time of the Prophet (saw) and his blessed companions. The Mother of the Believers hazrat Aishah (ra) has related many hadiths to inform the ummah of the blessed ways of our Prophet(saw) These hadiths were asked by the noble companions of the Prophet (saw) upon which hazrat Aisha use to reply behind a screen in the most modest manner. Yes, indeed this is a perfect example that clearly shows such communication is permitted in Islam.

However, I ask you, what has become of us today? We use this very excuse of propagating Islam and instead misuse it to suit our desires. Yes, once in a while an Islamic issue may crop up but other times? Other times, readers we are involved in deep conversations be it MSN or any other way, we are involved in many hours of zina. What is the need in speaking to a non-mehram about personal issues, about petty issues which are simply not necessary.

Ofcorse one may say 'my intentions are pure' truly I do not doubt that for one moment. However, all would agree that Shaytan makes it a duty upon himself to convert these intentions to please him. Muslims are urged 'Believing men and women keep your gazes down' This shows that despite having pure intentions one can easily fall into the trap of shaytan, therefore even the slightest bit of temptation is prohibitted from the start. Before any thing even takes place. Id like to apply this same aspect to internet chatting. Readers do not even go near unnecessary chatting between non-mehrams on the internet for this is the path leading to zina. We are mere mortals, we can not always control our desires, it may begin as an 'islamic issue' but result in zina.

I would like to conclude by saying that yes you may find the views outlined in my entries very extreme. However as is often said 'the truth is bitter' An ill person has to undergo severe treatment and drink bad tasting medicine as a cure. Similarly this post is being put before you regardless of how bitter it sounds. I apologise for anything said that may have caused offence.

Jazakallah for reading

